Sulby Horticultural
Show, Saturday August 6th 2005. Held
at Lezayre Parish Community Hall. The show was
opened by former Ayre MHK Edgar Quine. Buttonholes
were presented to Mr Quine and his wife by Alicia
Lezayre stars were
awarded to section winners: Vegetables, Alfie Leach;
Fruit, Alfie Leach; Flowers NM Murphy; Floral Art,
Joan Emmett; Confectionery, Mabel Wright; Preserves
and eggs, Mrs MJ Watson; Wine, Kevin Quayle; Photography,
Mrs C Carine; Handicrafts, Gill Norman; Children's
section, Alicia Oates. The Sulby Star for most
outstanding exhibit went to NM Murphy for a pot
For more information
on the Sulby Horticultural Show contact the secretary
Mrs KE Devey at Close-ny-Mona, Bayr-ny-Hayrey Road,
Lezayre (819489)